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Project Description

The bag
KEETO bag is used both as a laptop case and also as a stand offering the laptop passive cooling. These two functions are achieved through the design which combines the device materials of the bag: strap from fibres coated with PCM material and aluminium.

The bag - stand provides noiseless passive cooling to the laptop via the PCMs, in microencapsulated form, which is located within the fibres of each strap. The microcapsules are emitted absorb heat from the computer and use it to change their structure, by keeping this way the temperature equable. In addition, aluminium has the ability to distribute the heat expediently by transferring it from warmer to cooler positions.

The design of the bag is based on the premium and classic aesthetics of the Mentis artisanship. At the same time, the minimal design of KEETO is characterized by the sharp contrast of the texture of materials because the properties they associatively have. More specifically, the aluminium connects with the durability and with the industry and the soft straps are associated with the relief they offer to the hardness of aluminium, with the shock absorption and with the crafts.

By using only two materials which can be separated easily at the end of life of the object, I order to be recycled (aluminium) or to be reused (straps), the fact that no toxic adhesives. The manufacture with conventional ways of processing and the zero energy consumption by the use of the object compose the sustainable character of the design.

This project has been developed for Tedx 2015 Weaving Evolution Design Alley workshop in collaboration with Niki-Danae Chania and Aggeliki Kefala

Project Details


4th February 2020


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