Polar Light

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Project Description

The project that I made for Anglepoise is interested in speculative applications that can identify interesting design territories, for future opportunities to ‘use light’.

For the purpose of this project, I travelled to the Highlands of UK to explore the reflections in nature with the use of a torch and the ability to light an area with a small light source.

I was impressed by the ice caves and the reflections that can make with a torch and light a whole space with so many colours from ice. Then I find that can use any surface to illuminate spaces and from its kind give you a different light in a way you play with light and shadow. Then I made some experiments and use acrylic rob like a cable to transport the light and copper sheets or paper to make reflections.

From these experiments, I found that if I bent the acrylic can light in more than one spots. Then I tried to use it underwater and it actually lit very well. From all the experiments that I made and the observations that acrylic is a good material to transport the light and the thoughts than can use it even for light public spaces, I made my Polar Light. It’s a desktop light that uses the torch from the iPhone and through reflections from acrylic rob travel the light to resin mould and light the space. This light is inspired from the reflections that light do with ice! It’s an essential light and in a way it’s a reminder for global warming and how our lifestyle has a great impact on the planet.

Project Details


11th February 2020


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